What border gates were opened to refugees? Are refugees sent to Europe?

What border gates were opened to refugees? According to last minute information, with the opening of European doors to refugees after the low attack in Idlib, an intense influx of immigrants to Europe has started. Many people continue to investigate which border gates are opened. Well, What border gates were opened to refugees? Are refugees sent to Europe? Details are in our news...

What border gates were opened to refugees? After the attack in Idlib last night, border gates were opened to immigrants. Turkey's land or take decision to stop the migration of refugees to Europe by sea said. Turkey has left its immigration control. Well, What border gates were opened to refugees? Are refugees sent to Europe? Details are in our news...


Following the attack on Turkish soldiers in Idlib, the border gates were opened for Syrian refugees to go to Europe.

Approximately 300 immigrants, including women and children, who came to Edirne walked to the border to cross to Greece at midnight after the news was heard.

Immigrants who take their bags on their backs continue their marches to reach Pazarkule Border Gate, which opened to Greece from Karaağaç Neighborhood.

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